Content Block Feature

Cross Link Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. In fuga reiciendis, aperiam praesentium ad delectus sunt! Eligendi iure molestias repellendus laborum, neque sapiente nulla ducimus nobis excepturi obcaecati adipisci voluptas.

Button Style Three >
i Content Block Feature


<div class="card feature">

	<div class="img-wrap" style="background-image:url('')">
		<img src="" alt="" class="visuallyhidden">

	<div class="copy-wrap">
		<h2>Cross Link Here</h2>
		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. In fuga reiciendis, aperiam praesentium ad delectus sunt! Eligendi iure molestias repellendus laborum, neque sapiente nulla ducimus nobis excepturi obcaecati adipisci voluptas.</p>
		<a href="#" class="button-link button-link-default">Button Style Three ></a>

	<!-- Do not implement this link -->
	<a href="/inc/modules/?module=content-block-feature" class="module-link">
		<i class="icon info-icon">i</i>
		<span class="tool-tip">Content Block Feature</span>
	<!-- Do not implement this link -->


Used on the business line landing pages to highlight business line services. It should not be used more than once on a particular page and always above all other content or support modules.

This module is based on a element called a "card". Modifier classes are applyed to the card element to apply certain styles. In this instance the "feature" class is used to facilitate the horizontal layout with an image to the left.